Diggers Uprising

thing and popular revolt

Died aged c. 2

Following the worldwide drought of 2016-2018 the World's food supply reduced from overall 50% surplus to a 10% deficit. Previously unknown levels of starvation throughout Africa were accompanied by severe shortages in the West. An activist group known colloquially as 'The Diggers', after the World War Two 'Dig For Victory' campaign, fought to liberate the food supply from rich landowners and reallocate to the general populus.
The uprising officially began on 9th June 2019 when a drone crashed during an information raid. It ended on 7th September 2021 when the United Nations took control of the World food supply.


Commemorated On

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Diggers Uprising. Near this spot on 9th June 2019, a civilian drone crashed whilst raiding precision agriculture data in the search for food sources

19 Station Road, Cambridge, United Kingdom where it started (2019)